How do I obtain the richest black possible?
Make sure that your black CMYK values are as follows. Any variation in this may result in gray tones rather than black. C 60 | M 40 | Y 40 | K 100
Avoiding blue to purple conversion
Make sure to have at least a 30% difference in your Cyan and Magenta values.
Spot UV products
All products containing the spot uv feature will require an additional set of files that will dictate where the spot uv feature will be displayed. The file should be black and white, black indicating spot uv placement and white non-spot uv areas. For more information, please see the following image:
What should I upload?
You should upload only the required proofs for your particular product. Do not upload more than one file for each printed side.
Transparency problems
Make sure that your file is flattened or rasterized prior to submitting.
What bleed should my files have?
Generally, our products will require at least a 0.125 inch bleed all the way around the file. However, check with the description of each product for product-specific bleed recommendations or use our pre-defined templates.
What resolution should my files be?
All submitted files should have at least 300 DPI resolution.
What color mode should my files be?
The color mode of the document should be CMYK. If files are sent in a different color mode (RGB, Pantone), an automatic conversion will occur which may result in a color shift.
What type of files should I sent to Arizona Printing Company?
We accept PDF, JPEG, PNG, EPS, TIFF, or AI files. In order to reduce any compatibility issues, the preferred format is PDF. All files should have rasterized images, outlined fonts and be in CMYK color mode.
What CMYK value should I use for rich black tones
While on screen a CMYK value of C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 100 may look black, when printed, the color will shift to gray. Use C 60 M 40 Y 40 K 100
Ensuring that blue won’t come out as purple
When using a blue in your artwork, make sure have at least a 30% difference in your Cyan and Magenta numbers.
Submitting Spot UV Files
When creating a Spot UV job, You must include a Spot UV template file along with the regular full color file. The Spot UV template file is used to show where the UV will be placed.
What color mode should the files be? CMYK vs. RGB
If you send us an RGB file, there is a chance that a color shift may occur and you may not be satisfied with your job.
What files do you accept?
We recommend saving as a .PDF. You may also send the file in the following types: jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, eps, and png. We prefer that you send .PDF with embedded or outlined fonts. .PDF’s are easier to handle and will likely speed up your turn-around. Remember to add crop marks and flatten your files